JavaScript Developments
Interesting Applications
[html] JavaScript i486 Emulator
[html] JavaScript Terminal Emulator
Vert.X - Server Side Cross-Platform JavaScript
[html] Vert.X - Effortless asynchronous application development for the modern web and enterprise
[html] Vert.X Documentation
[html] Vert.X Manual
[html] Vert.X Modules Manual
[html] Vert.X JavaScript API Manual
Server Side JavaScript - Node
[html] Joyent Server side JavaScript Engine: Node.JS
[html] Mozilla SpiderNode Project: Cross-Platform NodeJS
NodeJS - Intel Specific Platforms
[html] Server side JavaScript Engine: Node.JS
[html] Community Support for NodeJS Users
[html] Community Support for NodeJS Developers
SpiderNode - Cross-Platform NodeJS
[html] 2011-05 Node Conference SpiderNode / V8Monkey
[html] Community Support for SpiderNode
[html] Mozilla SpiderNode Project
[html] Mozilla SpiderNode IRC Activity
[html] Mozilla V8Monkey JavaScript Wrapper Project
[twitter]|[html] Paul O’Shannessy - Initiator
[twitter]|[html] Brendan Eich - JavaScript Creator
[twitter]|[html] Mehdi Mulani - U of Waterloo Intern
[twitter]|[html] John Ford - Contributor
[twitter]|[html] Shawn Wilsh - Contributor
[twitter]|[html] Rob Arnold - Contributor
[twitter]|[html] Bruno Fernandez-Ruiz - Contributor
NodeJS Applications
[html] X11 Client Implementation under NodeJS
[html] X11 "nwm" window manager
[html] XCB directly rendered by node-canvas
[html] Google V8 JavaScript Engine
JavaScript Engines
[html] Mozilla SpiderMonkey (Various)
[html] Mozilla Tamarin (Various)
[html] Mozilla Rhino (Java)
[html] Google V8 JavaScript Engine (Intel, ARM)
[html] Mozilla JaegerMonkey
[html] Apple WebKit Nitro (SquirrelFish Extreme)
Mozilla SpiderMonkey History
[html] Mozilla SpiderMonkey
[html] 2008 Mozilla TraceMonkey
[html] 2010 Mozilla JaegerMonkey
[html]|[pdf] 2011 Mozilla TypeInferenceMonkey
[html] 2012 Mozilla IonMonkey
Apple WebKit
[html] WebKit JavaScript Core
Who's Who Guide to JavaScript and NodeJS
Bruno Fernandez-Ruiz - Yahoo! Fellow, VP and Platform Architect
Ryan Dahl - Joyent Employee, Node.JS Creator