Friday, November 27, 2015

Solaris 11: The pkg Repositories

[Solaris Logo, courtesy former Sun Microsystems]


Packaging has long been the basis of modern Operating Systems, dating back to AT&T System V. Solaris adopted SVR4 packaging, when Sun Microsystems started growing from an Operating System needing a compiler to a production Operating System to be deployed. SVR4 Packaging was originally based upon the concept of a Stream (recorded upon Sequential Block infrastructures likes Tape) or a Tree (recorded Random Block infrastructures like Disk.) Sun Microsystems was astutely aware that "http" protocol was not much different from a "tape", where a stream of data was pulled down, and they upgraded SVR4 to support HTTP repositories with encryption and license keys. Somewhere along the way, Sun lost their way, and created a proprietary packaging system with fewer capabilities, called IPS, based upon the new command "pkg"... but Oracle is making the best of it.

[former OpenSolaris logo]

The "pkg" Repository

The concept of a Package Repository with the Image Packaging System was introduced with OpenSolaris. The repository would be served up through a web server and secured with certificates.

[Oracle Logo, courtesy Oracle Corporation]

Oracle pkg Repositories

There are two kinds of Oracle “pkg” repositories:
1.       Non-production Release Repository
Designated as:
2.       Production Support Repository
Designated as:

The document describing the Solaris 11.2 Package Publisher info:

Checking Repository

The newly installed OS is using the Oracle Package Publisher defaults to the Release Repository.
sun9876/root# pkg publisher
PUBLISHER                   TYPE     STATUS P LOCATION                           
solaris                     origin   online F

Additional detail can be reviewed about Oracle’s “solaris” release publisher:
sun9876/root# pkg publisher solaris

            Publisher: solaris
           Origin URI:
              SSL Key: None
             SSL Cert: None
          Client UUID: 6367a630-fbe6-11e3-8701-5bf522237f54
      Catalog Updated: August 18, 2015 04:44:20 PM
              Enabled: Yes

To check the current OS Release and Update – note: installed is Solaris 11.2 (0.175 is Solaris 11) SRU 0

sun9876/root# pkg info entire
          Name: entire
       Summary: Incorporation to lock all system packages to the same build
   Description: This package constrains system package versions to the same
                build.  WARNING: Proper system update and correct package
                selection depend on the presence of this incorporation.
                Removing this package will result in an unsupported system.
      Category: Meta Packages/Incorporations
         State: Installed
     Publisher: solaris
       Version: 0.5.11
 Build Release: 5.11
Packaging Date: June 24, 2014 07:38:32 PM
          Size: 5.46 kB
          FMRI: pkg://solaris/entire@0.5.11,5.11-

To check the Oracle Release Repository – note: available is Solaris 11.2 (0.175 is Solaris 11) SRU 1
sun9876/root# pkg info -r entire
          Name: entire
       Summary: Incorporation to lock all system packages to the same build
   Description: This package constrains system package versions to the same
                build.  WARNING: Proper system update and correct package
                selection depend on the presence of this incorporation.
                Removing this package will result in an unsupported system.
      Category: Meta Packages/Incorporations
         State: Not installed
     Publisher: solaris
       Version: 0.5.11
 Build Release: 5.11
Packaging Date: September 23, 2014 10:49:40 PM
          Size: 5.46 kB
          FMRI: pkg://solaris/entire@0.5.11,5.11-

There are 148 updates available from the Oracle Release repository.
sun9876/root# pkg list -u | wc -l

To list the updates available:
sun9876/root# pkg list -u | head
NAME (PUBLISHER)                                  VERSION                    IFO
archiver/gnu-tar                                  1.27.1-    i--
compress/bzip2                                    1.0.6-     i--
compress/gzip                                     1.5-       i--
compress/p7zip                                    9.20.1-    i--
compress/pbzip2                                   1.1.6-     i--
compress/pixz                                     1.0-       i--
compress/unzip                                    6.0-       i--
compress/xz                                       5.0.1-     i--
compress/zip                                      3.0-       i—

A dry-run of the update shows 8 packages updates available with release, and size - no reboot required.
sun9876/root# pkg update -nv
            Packages to update:         8
     Estimated space available: 275.69 GB
Estimated space to be consumed:  65.63 MB
       Create boot environment:        No
Create backup boot environment:       Yes
          Rebuild boot archive:        No

Changed packages:
    0.5.11,5.11- -> 0.5.11,5.11-
    0.5.11,5.11- -> 0.5.11,5.11-
    0.5.11,5.11- -> 0.5.11,5.11-
    0.5.11,5.11- -> 0.5.11,5.11-
    0.5.11,5.11- -> 0.5.11,5.11-
    0.5.11,5.11- -> 0.5.11,5.11-
    0.5.11,5.11- -> 0.5.11,5.11-
    0.5.11,5.11- -> 0.5.11,5.11-

To update from 11.2.0 to 11.2.1 (which was the latest at the time of this article publishing):
sun9876/root# pkg update

Management through Ops Center

If the operating system instance is managed through Ops Center, the publisher repositories are changed, and patching can be done centrally.

Ops Center server is the local proxy, holding patches & packages from Oracle
sun5582/dh127087$ pkg publisher
PUBLISHER                   TYPE     STATUS P LOCATION                           
solaris                     origin   online F https://oracle-oem-oc-mgmt-sun9999:8002/IPS/
cacao                       origin   online F https://oracle-oem-oc-mgmt-sun9999:8002/IPS/
mp-re          (non-sticky) origin   online F https://oracle-oem-oc-mgmt-sun9999:8002/IPS/
opscenter                   origin   online F https://oracle-oem-oc-mgmt-sun9999:8002/IPS/

The operating systems managed through Ops Center can be patched remotely or can be patched through the command line, using Ops Center server as the supported package repository.


While the detour that Sun Microsystems took, taking packaging back a couple decades, Oracle started to make the best of it. With the release of Ops Center, to manage the Solaris cloud components to automatically configure the pkg components and provide a continuous feed of packages for their Operating System and Firmware, Oracle has been making some sweet lemonade from their lemons.

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