Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Password Reset on a Cisco 1600-Series Router

Abstract: Someone forgot the admin passwords to a Cisco 1600-series router and you have physical access to the router.

You'll need to know the break key sequence for your terminal program, fortunately Cisco has provided a handy list: Standard Break Key Sequence Combinations.

Connect your computer to the router's console port, ensure your terminal software is functioning and configured properly (baud: 9600, data: 8, parity: none, stop: 1, flow control: none, com ports will vary), and start or hard cycle the Cisco's power.

Enter the break key sequence within 60 seconds.

ROMMON> confreg 0x2142
ROMMON> reset

..enter setup mode [yes/no] no
c1600> enable (no passwords are required)
c1600# copy startup-config running-config

Set your new passwords.

c1600# copy running-config startup-config
c1600# config term
c1600(config)# config-register 0x2102
c1600(config)# reload

That's it.


  1. It is a good site post without fail. Not too many people would actually, the way you just did. I am impressed that there is so much information about this subject that has been uncovered and you’ve defeated yourself this time, with so much quality. Good Works!


  2. This is default IP address that is used by most of the router companies like the PTCL, TP-Link, D-Link, in order to access the admin page of the router


  3. This configuration can also be used for devices like Router, Modem etc. and they are all having the initial IP address
